A Wonderful Coincidence:
The Art of Tania Pemar

A Spaniard who calls Wichita home details her life as an artist–from her inspirations, joys, challenges, advice, and more.

Photographer: Gavin Peters
Photographer: Gavin Peters

There is nothing I love more than meeting new people. I especially love meeting people who, like me, are not from America. I love hearing their stories and journeys. Most of all, I love learning what inspires them. Continue reading to learn how Tania Pemar made me believe in dreaming all over again.

Pemar is a passionate, curious, and creative abstract artist and painter. She is originally from Spain but has called the United States home since 2008. On top of exhibiting and selling her art, Pemar’s services include providing art for realtors, homestagers, and sellers.

She is a self-taught artist who has always had a knack for art. Ever since she was a little girl, she has loved to do crafts and projects, which included painting. This long-time knack for art led to her becoming an artist. She didn’t plan it. Instead, she says, “It was a wonderful coincidence…it was waiting for me!”

After her kids were born, Pemar started painting to have time for herself. Soon after, she fell in love with painting again. This reignited love led to her really, really wanting to be an artist, which she does not think would be possible if she were still in Spain. Living in America and being an artist give her the ability to dream.

As a writer, I am deeply impacted by others who inspire my creativity. Hearing her background and beliefs inspired me to be creative shortly after. And it reminded me that our creative pursuits can reach more people than we could ever imagine. Most importantly, they can touch people’s lives. Because of this, we should never stop dreaming or creating. As a fellow creative, it was an absolute joy to learn more about her inspirations and creative process.

Shop Tania’s artwork here.

Like many artists, anything inspires her art, whether it is nature, people, a season of life, or more. Additionally, she states, “There are some extraordinary things in ordinary life. I get hooked on those things that keep me wondering or keep me dreaming or keep me thinking about things. All of those inspire me to create new pieces.”

As her inspirations change, so can her artistic style, although it always remains abstract. She loves to explore, to experiment, and to try new things, as she loves the freedom of the creative process. She cannot do the same thing over and over. This approach makes Pemar’s work untraditional compared to other artists in Kansas, who typically do landscapes or animals. Some might even say Pemar’s style is more modern.

No matter what defines Pemar’s work, she believes, “If you are in front of any painting, you will see there is always a part of that person there. We always paint with our heart…We all are beautiful people creating work that is unbelievable.”

Painting with her heart allows her emotions to guide every single movement. She goes with the moment. Many times, when Pemar begins a piece, she has no idea where it will go, as she does not plan what to do or how to do it. When she finishes a piece, she is surprised because she finally gets to see what it looks like!

Although Pemar paints with her heart, she works better when she is happy rather than sad. Truthfully, all she wants people to feel when they look at her art is happiness, especially when these pieces are in a home.

More specifically, Pemar believes your house is a space that heals you and that artwork can turn your house into a home. She takes this notion even further in her criteria for a finished piece: It has a balance of color, she really likes it, and it is a painting she would place in her own home. Only when this happens is it ready to go to other homes.

The life of an artist is filled with solitude. Because of this, Pemar’s favorite part of the exhibitions is the people. While some may simply walk by a piece, others are curious. Their curiosity leads to one-on-one interactions where they are not only interested in the artwork but in her as an artist, too.

On a similar note, she really, really enjoys working with people. As a result, her goal for this year was to work with more local businesses, such as Abode Home. These collaborations allow Pemar to make new connections and showcase her art longer.

It is not just about being in front of the canvas. Instead, it is all the little steps in between from being inspired to finding material to finding the right moment and time to create to ultimately marketing and selling a piece.

On a larger scale, social media allows Pemar to reach people all over the world. It also allows her to show her process, which she wants people to see. She says it is not just about the final piece, but how she works on it. It is not just about being in front of the canvas. Instead, it is all the little steps in between from being inspired to finding material to finding the right moment and time to create to ultimately marketing and selling a piece.

Selling the artwork is Pemar’s greatest challenge because “We sell something that is not needed…It is difficult to put it in the mind of people that it is something that will help them.” That is why, as previously mentioned, she hopes for her work to evoke emotion, for people to feel something every time they look at it.

Even though there are challenges, she encourages other artists to keep going, to keep dreaming, and to keep working hard. She compares the life of an artist to a rollercoaster–there are many ups and downs, highs and lows.

Sometimes, artists must restart from zero. Other times, they have lots of drive and create a masterpiece. Regardless, being a successful artist does not happen overnight, just as good things take time. Besides, there is no greater success to Pemar than to hear, “Your painting has been in my home for more than two years and we still love it!”

Visit her website taniapemar.com, where you can view and buy pieces, past and present. You can also rent her pieces through Abode Home.

You can email her at info@taniapemar.com. Or, you can reach out to her via Instagram at Tania Pemar. You can also find her on Facebook at Tania Pemar. Both will keep you up-to-date with her events and projects!

Most importantly, do not let money prevent you from buying or renting a piece. She says it is an investment one can treasure and enjoy forever. Like Pemar, I believe it is worth it. In fact, I am already eyeing a piece for my home.

Even if you cannot buy or rent a piece, see Pemar’s creations. You can find them at various coffee shops, small businesses, and exhibitions in Wichita. Lookout for her new collection, where she’ll showcase, “Even broken things can become even more beautiful if you work on them.”

Pemar is open and available to answer any questions, to meet, and to work together through her studio. She is simply open to people getting to know her better! I know I, for one, cannot wait to get to know her better